Saturday, July 9, 2011

50th Class Reunion & 4th of July Festivities in Fillmore

This past week we had the opportunity to accompany Mom to Fillmore for her 50th class reunion! She has been looking forward to the reunion for some time and was excited and anxious to get up there for it. We needed to get away for a while, so it worked out perfectly for all! We left on Friday mid-morning and drove the whole way. It was a long 13 hour drive, with about 11 stops made for all kinds of reasons. Anyways, we finally made it late Friday night. Aunt Rayma and Uncle Cloyd were nice enough to let us stay at their house... which worked out great because they have a basement where we could stay and not drive them nuts with all the kids! I am pretty sure we all sacked out that night... exhausted from the long days drive! I won't bore with all the details of our daily activies... but Mom was able to spend some time with Danna and Ginger (her good friends from high school) as well as see her other classmates and teachers! Sounded like she had a great time and was glad she was able to make it. We Nutts spent our days around town... saw Kung Fu Panda 2 in the awesome little theatre, drove out to Meadow to the cemetary, went for some scenic drives, watched the parade and watched the fireworks. It was a great relaxing trip! We took our time driving back to AZ, and finally made it back Wednesday evening. Here are some pictures of the fun we had!